Alright so I couldn’t wait. Sue me. Version 2. Now with 30% more Web 2.0! “IT HAS TAGS! ™”
I think this gives me a nice base to start evolving the site from, and I fully expect to constanly be tweaking it. It’s big an loose and flexible now. I may decide to lock down the width, or do the fixed-width-based-on-browser-width thing that is becoming so popular now.
This site is more useful to me than it was in the past, but I see things that are going to need some tweaking:
- Readability. Light on dark is hard to pull off.
- The portfolio is kind of clunky and hard to see everything in. That will need some custom work.
- My resume is going to need some re-writing to make it easier to skim.
Other than that, any suggestions?
P.S. I also re-designed Check that out.
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