Author: Matt Heerema

  • Quick review of Unchained by Noel Jesse Heikkinen

    Quick review of Unchained by Noel Jesse Heikkinen

    Freedom in Christ is a tricky, tricky, tricky subject to get right. Christians believe (actually, Jesus taught) that holiness and obedience are crucial to the faith (John 14:15). But what is obedience? Obedience to what? What happens if we disobey? How does God feel toward Christians when we break His commands? The same as He felt toward…

  • Great New Kids Book: The Radical Book for Kids

    Great New Kids Book: The Radical Book for Kids

    Reading is a big deal in my family. Trying to keep my 10 year old “in books” is worse that trying to keep her in shoes or clothes (which she outgrows at a rapid pace). We’re regular patrons at our local library, and probably a decent percentage of it’s monthly revenue (in late fees.) I’m…

  • Four Essential Prerequisites for Focus

    Four Essential Prerequisites for Focus

    Focus is essential for success in any endeavor, and I’m terrible at it (most of the time). A friend of mine used the phrase “professional squirrel hunter” to describe me. (Note: this is a reference to the dog in the movie Up. “SQUIRREL!”) But my pseudo-ADD isn’t the only reason for the lack of focus.…

  • On Politics 2016.

    If you follow me on social media at all, you may or may not have noticed that I am mildly opposed to the GOP nominee for president. (Because the internet is largely devoid of tone, except for very skilled writers, of which I am not one, that was understatement for effect.) Some of my fellow…

  • Book Review: The Cradle, The Cross, and The Crown: An Introduction to the New Testament

    Book Review: The Cradle, The Cross, and The Crown: An Introduction to the New Testament

    I was recently provided a copy of The Cradle, The Cross, and the Crown: An Introduction to the New Testament (2nd Edition) by B&H Academic for review, and I am excited to write about it.