Category: Announcements

  • Interesting Web Cites for December 10th

    Sites and articles that I found very interesting today… Why Are So Many New Yorkers Flocking to Evangelical Christian Preacher Tim Keller? — New York Magazine – "He wants to call people’s attention to the emptiness of a way of living that overvalues worldly achievement and to help them see the spiritual benefits of accepting…

  • Interesting Web Cites for November 6th

    Sites and articles that I found very interesting today… Audio of AW Tozer Sermons – Audio from 40 and 50 years ago… A.W. Tozer preaching. This is history.

  • Packer on God’s Purposes in Our Troubles

    Justin Taylor posts an excerpt from Packer’s “Knowing God” on God’s Purposes in Our Troubles > “Simply that God in his wisdom means to make something of us which we have not attained yet, and he is dealing with us accordingly” Packer explains more carefully, and Justin comments. Read on.

  • Interesting Web Cites for September 14th

    Sites and articles that I found very interesting today… The Big Bang, Explained in Two Minutes – A brilliant explanation and theory. Wonderfully concise. She sounds so confident of things they have no idea about though. I am no cosmologist, but we have no math that describes the multiverse she is describing. Wonderful, expanded-mind conjecture…

  • Interesting Web Cites for September 8th

    Sites and articles that I found very interesting today… Is the Role of the Manager Still Important? : What’s Best Next – Matt Perman does an excellent job of distilling the core of "First, Break all the Rules: What the World's Greatest Mangers Do Differently"