Category: Religion, Theology & Ministry
Free Audiobook: Evangelism and the Sovereignty of God
A book that has been one of the most influential to me in terms of understanding the difficult riddle of God’s sovereignty and man’s responsibility, Evangelism and the Sovereignty of God by J.I. Packer is free in audiobook format for the month of May. This book put together many pieces that had long concerned and…
Sermon: Behold The Lamb! Easter 2014
I preached the following sermon at Stonebrook Church, Easter 2014. You can listen to the audio on the Stonebrook Web site. 1 Corinthians 15:1–4 (ESV) Now I would remind you, brothers, of the gospel I preached to you, which you received, in which you stand, 2 and by which you are being saved, if you hold…
Sermon: Wartime Lifestyle – Life on the Battlefront
The following is the manuscript from a sermon I preached on 3/30/2014 at Stonebrook Church. You can listen to the audio at This the second of a three week series on the Christian life and the reality of the spiritual war we are in that we are calling “Wartime Lifestyleâ€, a phrase coined (I…
A God-Given Mind to Work
I was encouraged by this exhortation today: “Nehemiah once had what could be considered impossible task: rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem.  No sane feasibility committee would have given him the green light.  And yet when the task was operating under the Grace of God, what happened?  Neh. 4:6 says: “So we built the wall. And…
Sermon: The Surety and Sufficiency of Scripture
Yesterday I gave a message, the last in a four-part series at our church on “Loving God’s Word”. My message was titled “The Surety and Sufficiency of Scripture”. The main topic is the founding protestant doctrine of Sola Scriptura. You can listen to the message at Stonebrook’s Web site. What follows is my manuscript. Learning…