So I Rebooted Early…

Alright so I couldn’t wait. Sue me. Version 2. Now with 30% more Web 2.0! “IT HAS TAGS! ™”

I think this gives me a nice base to start evolving the site from, and I fully expect to constanly be tweaking it. It’s big an loose and flexible now. I may decide to lock down the width, or do the fixed-width-based-on-browser-width thing that is becoming so popular now.

This site is more useful to me than it was in the past, but I see things that are going to need some tweaking:

  1. Readability. Light on dark is hard to pull off.
  2. The portfolio is kind of clunky and hard to see everything in. That will need some custom work.
  3. My resume is going to need some re-writing to make it easier to skim.

Other than that, any suggestions?

P.S. I also re-designed Check that out.






5 responses to “So I Rebooted Early…”

  1. Ben T Avatar

    Wow, a very simple & interesting design, I think it works well. kudos to you

  2. Ben T Avatar

    though I would spice up your navigation menu at the top right a bit though, maybe a big fuzzy drop shadow when you roll over it and have it turn pink and Bold Comic Sans when you click on it… ok kidding on that part, but I do think the menu could use some kind of “little extra”

  3. Tony Avatar

    Hmm…. the design looks sweet on my office computer (1600×1200, mac) but strange on my laptop (1024×768, linux). On the linux laptop, the top half of the page is longer than the display, so you don’t realize that there’s more to the site. Then you scroll and you’re like, whoa, the rest of this site is totally different. On the mac, it looks like a sweet two panel layout.

  4. […] about, portfolio, resume, contact « So I Rebooted Early… […]

  5. […] I stumbled upon Mat Heerema’s blog looking for other blogs on web design.  Right off the bat I liked the way he redesigned his site and that uses “tags” which I haven’t learned how to do yet.  He’s also discovered some cool blogs that have recently been redesigned including […]

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