Dreamhost Makes Reparation?

Dreamhost has just given everyone ten times more server space and double their bandwidth. I now have almost a terabyte of server space, and 2 terabytes of bandwidth per month. Also, because of my plan, I get an +4 GB of space per week!.

Also, Dreamhost is swearing up and down that they are finally on the brink of resolving all of their network issues, oh how I hope this is true.

Anyone want to sign up with them?






5 responses to “Dreamhost Makes Reparation?”

  1. Jonathan Schultz Avatar

    I haven’t seen any problems since they have done this, there seemed to be a regular stream of bad things and now there isn’t.

    It was getting very embarrassing to say look at my site and people come back saying “Site didn’t work, I thought your a web designer”

  2. Matt Avatar

    Definitely. It was getting hard to do regular business.

  3. djchuang Avatar

    Reparations? I’d like to have a little more reliable uptime, going forward; I have had intermittent availability for the past 12 hours (courtesy a free website monitoring service over at montastic.com), probably more downtime than uptime. But, to their credit, my web hosting service at dreamhost for djchuang.com during the past 3 months have been mostly pretty good. I browsed over the main dreamhost.com site, and wasn’t able to find their uptime 99.x% average or guarantee. Guess they don’t say?

  4. Andy Baker Avatar

    I’ve been fairly lucky with Dreamhost so far (touch wood). They don’t seem particularly fast but, good god, I’m having fun with unlimited domains. I keep offering website hosting to random strangers…

  5. Шиш-Кин Avatar

    А это Вы написали на основе исключительно Вашего личного опыта?

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