Matt is a pastor, businessman, theology student, & massive geek.

Latest posts

  • A Quick Book Review: Josh Harris – Why Church Matters

    This is an important book on the church. You should read it. It is important for two reasons: 1) It’s short 2) It’s solid ## Why short is important: Many of my non-reader friends scoff at the length of books (typical Christian living books are around 250 pages. An artifact of the economics of the…

  • What it Takes to Change the World

    This morning during breakfast we read The Declaration of Independence in honor of Independence Day. It is a fascinating read. I don’t remember the last time I read it all the way through carefully. I highly suggest it. The very last line struck me as exactly the right place to stand together, in order to…

  • Quick Book Review: Living in Love by James and Betty Robison

    The following is a quick review I’m writing for Waterbrook Multnomah on Living in Love by James and Betty Robison. I was provided a review copy to read and comment on. So, here’s my honest take. There are 17,549 search results for paperback books on “Christian Marriage” on Add to that 4,714 hardback books…

  • eBible’s New Siri-like Interface for Android

    eBible is one of the coolest Bible reading apps (Web and Mobile) out there. It’s search and reading interface is uncluttered and very very fast, and it includes a few very handy study-tools without being bogged down. They just launched a cool new tool for their Android App: Voice Navigation. See it in action here:…

  • New Launch: The Gospel Coalition Mobile Site

    I”m excited to announce the launch of the new Gospel Coalition mobile Web site that I was honored to help work on. The mobile site puts the best of their fresh content (blogs, articles, book reviews, videos, etc) at your fingertips. My role was to create the front end code, including HTML, styles, and javascript…

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