Matt is a pastor, businessman, theology student, & massive geek.

Latest posts

  • Matt Perman on the Theology of Work

    My friend and colleague Matt Perman was interviewed by Collin Hansen for The Gospel Coalition on the doctrine of vocation. On the off chance that you read this blog and not the

  • My Wife and My Top 10 for 2011

    On Saturday night, my wife an I were reflecting on 2011, and we decided to make a top 10 favorite things list. Check it out.

  • The Right Pursuit of Theological Knowledge

    On Thursday, I spoke at the Great Commission Churches Midwest Faithwalker’s Conference with Dave Bovenmyer on the topic of the importance and right pursuit of theological knowledge. Enjoy, and let me know if you have any questions! (Update: The audio is now posted on their audio page and can be downloaded for listening. Sorry for…

  • Information Architecture of the new Twitter App

    I’m not as harsh a critic as most are being about the new Twitter app. It’s a big change, and most big changes to familiar things bring discomfort. For me the jury is still out on whether the changes are net positive or net negative. I’m trying to get over the change shock. But I…

  • The Next Chapter in my Career

    After almost two-and-a-half years as Sr. Web Manager for Desiring God ministries, I will be moving on into the wide world of Web consulting, starting February 1st. I am proud of what the team has accomplished since Oct 16 of 2009, I think we developed some ground breaking technology for international distribution of high-quality, free,…

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