Matt is a pastor, businessman, theology student, & massive geek.

Latest posts

  • Sermon: Luke 15 – Prodigal

    The following are my speakers’ notes from a message I gave at The Rock on November 17, 2010. It will make far more sense if you use these along with the audio of the message. Download the MP3 Listen to the streaming audio This man eats with sinners! 15:1 Now the tax collectors and sinners…

  • Sermon: The Immeasurable Greatness of His Power

    How and Why God Saves – Ephesians 1:17-2:10 Confession of a Worship Leader I fill that strange roll in a “contemporary” church of “Worship Leader” (which I believe is a problematic title, but in this setting is mildly useful, because you all know what I mean.) Each week I look across the congregation as I…

  • Sermon: “The Transition” – Biblical Dating

    The following are my speaking notes from a short sermon I gave on the topic of Biblical dating at The Rock in 2008. Unfortunately it is not a full transcript, but should complement the audio very well. This sermon is the basis for a 7 week bible study I’ve been working on on the topic…

  • On The Radio Tomorrow (September 30)

    I’ll be on the radio on Friday, September 30 at 3pm talking about church music and Christian corporate worship, among other things. There are a couple ways to tune in. Find out how here.

  • A Sermon on Sin

    This sermon was originally delivered to The Rock in January 2010. You can listen to the audio of the sermon on The Rock’s Web site.

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