Matt is a pastor, businessman, theology student, & massive geek.
Lead Pastor, Stonebrook Church
- A thriving, multi-generational congregation that seeks to teach & follow God’s word and glorify Jesus by making disciples.
CEO, Chief Strategist, Mere Agency
- We make websites that impact the world
- Solutions for organizations of all shapes and sizes
- Matt founded Mere in 2011
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Review: Servanthood as Worship by Nate Palmer
Ever since God saved me, I have desired to serve him with my whole life. For the first several years of my Christian walk I had assumed (and was probably taught) that the highest possible manifestation of that desire was to climb through the ranks of leadership in the church. The progression works something like…
“But God…” by Casey Lute
Cruciform Press was kind enough to send me an advance copy of “But God…” by Casey Lute. It came in the mail today and I’m very excited to read it. A book title that contains my favorite two words in the whole Bible by a publisher that puts out consistently solid material, how bad can…
Tim Keller Interviewed by Jim Daily of Focus on the Family
Really really enjoyed this episode of Focus on the Family. Keller talks about how we tend to idolize the family and replace The Gospel with “Family Values”. Love seeing the Gospel brought to a conservative and religious audience. We need it just as much as an unbeliever. Very helpful word here. Part 1 Part 2
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