Tag: barnabas piper

  • Book Giveaway: “Help My Unbelief” by Barnabas Piper

    Book Giveaway: “Help My Unbelief” by Barnabas Piper

    Barnabas Piper has a new book coming out on July 1. The subject is doubt. I’ve skimmed the manuscript. Looking forward to doing a more thorough read and review soon. Read an excerpt from the book I posted a bit earlier. To help him promote the launch of the book, I’ve been provided a copy…

  • How Do We Know and Show That God is Good? (Guest Post by Barnabas Piper)

    How Do We Know and Show That God is Good? (Guest Post by Barnabas Piper)

    (The following is an excerpt from Barnabas Piper’s forthcoming book: “Help My Unbelief”. In celebration of the launch, I have been provided with a copy for review and giveaway. Enter to win a copy of the book here!) Answering this question is one of the greatest tasks of Christianity. So many of those who refuse…