Tag: book review

  • Review: Servanthood as Worship by Nate Palmer

    Ever since God saved me, I have desired to serve him with my whole life. For the first several years of my Christian walk I had assumed (and was probably taught) that the highest possible manifestation of that desire was to climb through the ranks of leadership in the church. The progression works something like…

  • The Next Christians: Living Out The Gospel – Restoration

    Gabe Lyons (author of Unchristian) sees a new breed of Christian on the rise: The Restorers. Fueled by a firm realization of the Gospel, that they were once dead, but have been brought back to life by the grace of God through Jesus Christ, helpless individuals who received healing, undeserving rebels who received mercy, they…

  • Quick Review of “The Next Story” by Tim Challies

    Several Weeks ago I finished reading a preview copy of The Next Story by Tim Challies. I have been slack in posting a review of this excellent book. If you are interested in how a Christian worldview sees the current tsunami-like influx of media technology, this is a book to read. What is wonderful about…

  • Phil Coffman Reviews Foundation Fireworks CS4

    Phil Coffman, a great designer and Photoshop master, kindly reviewed our book over at his blog a few days ago. Thanks for the honesty, objectivity, and kind words.