Tag: browsers
Interesting Web Citings for March 24th
Sites and articles that I found very interesting today… HTML5 & CSS3 ChecklistHandy little compatibility chart. iPad User Experience Guidelines | UX MagazineMy favorite: "Rethink Your Lists" – Consider a more real-world vision of your application. For example, on iPhone, Contacts is a streamlined list, but on iPad, Contacts is an address book with a…
Interesting Web Cites for December 11th
Sites and articles that I found very interesting today… New Study Reveals Most Children Unrepentant Sociopaths – Any parent of small children could have told you this. Fast-Growing Christian Churches Crushed in China – Church of 50k people beaten and scattered by Chinese officials. Sad story of terrible human rights violation. iTunes Holiday Sampler by…
Interesting Web Cites for July 11th
Sites and articles that I found very interesting today… Much Ado About IE6 – Digg does some extremely helpful research about their IE6 user base. "Giving them a message saying, “Hey! Upgrade!” in this case is not only pointless; it’s sadistic."