Tag: css
Getting Started With Web Design
A few people have asked me recently where to start with learning Web design, or re-learning standards based Web design. I figure this is a question I’ll have to answer on several occasions, so I thought I’d create a post about it. There are whole sites out there dedicated to Web design, but the purpose…
Getting Fieldset Backgrounds and Legends to Behave in IE
I’m sure someone has posted on this issue before I just haven’t found an answer I’m looking for. Jeff Croft has a close answer, but he is trying to solve a different problem. I built off of his exploration for this solution. The “problem” occurs when you are building a form with a fieldset tag…
Exactly WHY are Frames bad?
I was recently asked why exactly it is that one should not use a frameset for a Web site. A frames based page is something I’ve always sort of recognized as a bad thing, but have never had to verbalize or support objectively before; until now.