Tag: recommended reading

  • Quick Review: HTML&CSS Design and Build Websites by Jon Duckett

    Last week, I heard about a brand new HTML & CSS book called, appropriately “HTML & CSS“. Preview images teased a gorgeously designed book, so I bought it. I was not disappointed. GET THIS BOOK.

  • The 11 Best Books I Read This Year (Theology)

    Since it is that time of year where bloggers reflect wistfully on the past year, especially with regard to books they’ve read, music they’ve listened to or products they’ve enjoyed so as to compile a nice digestible list, chock full of affiliate links, I thought I’d add to the noise and let you all in…

  • Must Read Books for New Christians

    Must Read Books for New Christians

    I have been wanting to compile a list of “must read” books for new Christians to read (or for Christians new to reading). What the list should look like This list would need to be very accessible, both in the language used, and in wide availability, rock solid theologically, varied in topic and genre, engaging,…

  • Getting Started With Web Design

    A few people have asked me recently where to start with learning Web design, or re-learning standards based Web design. I figure this is a question I’ll have to answer on several occasions, so I thought I’d create a post about it. There are whole sites out there dedicated to Web design, but the purpose…