D. Keith Robinson posted about Web design skills of a successful Web designer.
His list:
- General Communication
- Interpersonal Communication
- Problemsolving
- Patience
- Adaptibility
- Information Architecture for the Web
- Visual Design
- Programming
- Web Development
- Writing
- Project Management
I agree, for the most part, with his list. I wanted to take a crack at my own, from a slightly different angle and see what falls out.
Necessary skills are going to vary to a large degree based on context. A solo-act freelancer (which is a dangerous and difficult thing…) is going to need an entirely different set of skills than a web design lackey for a large institution (*ahem..* c’est moi…). I’m going to try to hit on skills that a good Web designer is going to need in most every circumstance, and in general, as a professional in their field, looking to advance.
As you will see, I am largely in aggreement with Mr. Robinson, though I would place them differently in terms of importance.
- Communication – The ability to clearly, efficiently and effectively express your ideas (and others’ ideas) in a variety of mediums (written, verbal, visual).
- Adaptability – Being willing and able to change methods, process, technologies, and approaches, based on the varying needs of different clients and projects.
- Learning/Research – The ability AND the discipline to do it. The Web is a changing medium. Useful new technologies are constantly being introduced. A good Web designer should be on top of them.
- Problem Solving – Indeed. This is what we do… all day.
- Ability to use the tools of the trade – This is a no brainer. Understanding HTML, XML, CSS, [insert favorite scripting language or four].
- Project Management – Weakness in this area will kill you every time. Unacceptable turnaround time, and bloated overhead do not make for repeat business.
- Information Architecture – I wanted to disagree with Keith on this one, but what else are we doing, if not arranging information so that is makes sense and can be used?
- Visual Design Fundamentals – A good Web designer need not be an artist (raises hand), but does need to understand some basics.
- Programming Theory – The general how to’s and best practices of putting together an application in ANY language…
But then, what do I know. :)
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