Category: Productivity, Business & Management
A Default Positive View of Technology
I love gadgets. Always have. On hand, I typically have one of the newest computers from Apple, an iPad, and an iPhone, and a number of other cool tools: a Dot Grid journal, the perfect pen, the best mouse, a good flashlight, a nice bag to carry them all in. The design of all this…
Why Vision is More Important than Strategy
Michael Hyatt, former CEO and current Chairman of Thomas Nelson Publishers (largest Christian publishing company in the world) shares why vision is more important than strategy. He shares his story about how as a manager, he took the least profitable division of the company and turned it completely around. A key excerpt: > For example,…
Matt Perman on the Theology of Work
My friend and colleague Matt Perman was interviewed by Collin Hansen for The Gospel Coalition on the doctrine of vocation. On the off chance that you read this blog and not the
The Myth of Work-Life Balance
John Beeson asserts that work-life balance is an unobtainable myth, and that we instead need a system and support structures to help us manage our lives, tasks, and time. I couldn’t agree more, and I think there are immense parallels in the ministry world. Here are some key thoughts in the article:
Five Things You Should Stop Doing
Great post on the Harvard Business Review about Five Things You Should Stop Doing in 2012. I think you should stop doing them immediately. 1. Responding Like A Trained Monkey – (compulsively checking your email) 2. Mindless Traditions – Slavery to unnecessary tasks for the task’s sake. (Though I think some traditions are worth keeping,…