Category: Productivity, Business & Management
Productivity Boost: A Short Vacation
If you are a “knowledge worker” I’m sure you’ve experienced (or are currently experiencing) fatigue and burnout that goes with the busy pace of a productive organization. Â The constant drill of meeting deadlines, the incessant barrage of information that needs your attention, the looming demand to constantly produce all team up to destroy your…
Productivity tip: Take a nap.
I’d cite studies and research and books I’ve read on the power of napping, but why? If you have the afternoon “foggies” and are having a hard time concentrating and being motivated to work, take a 15 minute break, find a tree outside (if it’s nice) or a quiet closet somewhere, or go to your…
My E-mail Folders
As a follow-up to my “empty your inbox” folder, I thought I’d respond to a question in the comments with another post. I struggle with how to file things for my work email because there are so many moving pieces that require attention. I’d be interested to hear what you have as your folder structure…
How to deal with all the tweets
An interesting question came up in my “empty your inbox” post. Similar to a messy inbox, my new distraction is unread tweets in tweetie. How do you handle twitter? Do you put it off until certain times or keep up with it all day? Simple answer: I don’t. Twitter is an information luxury to me.…
No, seriously, empty your inbox.
You will probably not question the fact that e-mail causes you stress. Anecdotal evidence, nascent research, and my own personal experience is saying that it is currently one of the greatest causes of stress in the workplace. I have a suggestion. It’s not the email itself that causes the stress, it’s the fact that you…