Category: Religion, Theology & Ministry

  • A Great Advent Devotional for your Family: Prepare Him Room by Marty Machowski

    Burk Parsons tweeted something yesterday that deepened my resolve to examine our parenting around this time of year: Parents: Are you parenting your kids to look forward more eagerly to the coming of Santa Claus or the coming of Christ? — Burk Parsons (@BurkParsons) November 30, 2014 Of course, its easy to turn something like…

  • Dear Christian, Stick to the Basics.

    There is a type of pride I’ve noticed in my life and in the life of others that refuses to rejoice in, love, and submit to the basics of the Christian faith, because they don’t seem yield immediate results in your felt needs. This type of pride kills your worship, short circuits your Christian life,…

  • Five Super-Cheap eBooks You Should Buy Right Now

    Westminster Bookstore has launched eBooks (as we did at Banner of Truth recently), and has some crazy bargains going on at the moment.  You can add some high quality material to your ebook collection for just $10. Here are my top five recommendations: 1. Systematic Theology by John Frame This is one of the best…

  • On The Importance of Handling God’s Word Accurately

    On The Importance of Handling God’s Word Accurately

    To my fellow Bible readers, We are to do our best to present ourselves as one approved, a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly handling the Word of truth. (2 Timothy 2:15) That is, we are to work hard present ourselves as approved by God in the matter of rightly handling the…

  • One Simple Rule for Applying Old Testament Narratives

    There is one simple rule to help you apply all Old Testament stories: let them help you fix your eyes on Jesus. Here’s what I mean: 2 Timothy 3:16–17 (ESV) All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God…