Category: Web, Tech & Design
Free Icons: PI Diagona
Good looking set of 200 free icons. Gives fam fam fam a bit of a run for it’s money! Pinvoke: Icons and Pixel fonts
SXSW 2008 Panel – Everything I Know About Accessibility I Learned From Star Wars
Everything I need to know about accessibility I learned from Star Wars by Derek Featherstone. Small band of rebels versus the unfeeling evil empire :) A good motivational, conceptual overview of Accessibility. Not much by way of example or technique, but still good. Check out my notes below.
SXSW 2008 Panel – A/B Testing: Design Friend or Foe?
A/B Testing: Design Friend or Foe? – Corey Chandler Lead Interaction Designer, eBay Inc – Jake Cressman Producer, Electronic Arts – Chris Maliwat Sr Dir of Prod Mgmt, Vuze Inc – Micah Alpern Design Dir Social Search, Yahoo! Inc – Elliot Shmukler Principal Prod Mgr, LinkedIn Very valuable panel on testing design changes to determine…
Google Changes Algorithm, Site Networks Suffer
So, my blog now has the same page rank as Engadget. Go me!!! Oh… wait. Anyone who has been paying attention has already heard the news about the shift in Google’s algorithm that seems to be penalizing sites for massive cross linking. This is especially relevant to myself as my job is as Lead designer…
New Design?
Is anyone else noticing a redesigned Here’s a screenshot, click through for a full version. Note about my recommendations. – I’m very interested in Christian Theology – ESV is my favorite bible translation – I have no idea why they are recommending Casting Crowns to me. – I love Harry Potter