Category: Web, Tech & Design
An Event Apart – Chicago 2007
I had the good fortune to be at An Event Apart – Chicago, and I used this as a place to take notes for my own personal use. Maybe you’ll find it interesting too. I suck at live-blogging, but that’s why I design blogs, rather than write them ;) Enjoy. Highlights so far: – Lunch…
Something new at Firewheel?
One of my favorite design shops: Firewheel Design is cooking up something new. Those guys are masters of hype. They are like the U2 of the Web design world :) I just hope this product isn’t “How to Disassemble an Atomic BOMB”. I’m sure it won’t be ;) Best wishes guys. Can’t wait to see.
Blueprintcss A CSS Framework
Any Web developer who codes CSS on a regular basis likely has conventions, official, or ad hoc, that they’ve created for themselves to save themselves time and effort. Standard style declarations for common layout or typography needs are found in many places on the Internet. Mark pointed me to blueprintcss, a framework for css coding.…
YSlow for Firebug
Yahoo developers have put out a really handy add-on for firebug called “YSlow”. Based on the Thirteen Simple Rules for Speeding Up Your Site, this little widget will help you determine what you can do to your Web site to increase it’s performance. It has interesting suggestions. Looks very useful. (hat tip: @lisamac)
The Travesty That Is The 2012 London Olympic Logo
Whoever thought this was a good idea should be fired. This logo cost $796,000. It’s “targeted at young people”. It also looks like a fourth grade art class mistake. Oh, and animations of it are causing seizures… literally. What were they thinking??? London’s Design Museum founder Stephen Bayley put it best, saying the logo is…