Category: Web, Tech & Design

  • Web Tool Find Of The Month: FlickrSSP

    I just put together a new site for a client/friend of mine who wanted to have their photos stored in a flickr account, but also wanted them displayed on their site with as a slide show. Of course the obvious tool of choice was SlideShowPro which is a cinch to set up, and not to…

  • Web Design Contracts: Why Bother

    Nick Gould writes an excellent article for Digital Web Magazine on Web Design Contracts: Digital Web Magazine – Web Design Contracts: Why Bother > Design work is often difficult to define in advance, and is inherently subjective. A contract helps to remove some of this ambiguity. For the reasons I’ll outline below, working without a…

  • Heuristics for Modern Web Application Development

    Andy Budd has created a brilliant set of Heuristics for Modern Web Application Development His 9 heuristics are meant to be a starting point for fleshing out a more comprehensive list. It’s a good start. 1. Design for User Expectations 2. Clarity 3. Minimize Unnecessary Complexity and Cognitive Load 4. Efficiency and Task Completion 5.…

  • Mixed DSL Signals from Qwest

    I have Qwest DSL as my home Internet service. I recently moved, and so while ordering the transfer of my service decided to ask what the best connection speed available to me was. I was told I could get 7 megabit, and was immediately excited. I ordered it and started to wait expectantly for the…

  • Details are the design – (37signals)

    Details are the design – (37signals) > “The details are not the details. They make the design.” > -Charles Eames