Category: Web, Tech & Design

  • Some Cool New Web Tools

    Last week’s rant about professionalism in Web design was supposed to be a short intro to this post. Basically my point was going to be that the profession of Web design and development has leveled up many times over the last decade, and it looks like some great industry standard practices are starting to settle…

  • Anyone can build a Web site.

    (Note that this post has been festering for a few years now, and is not inspired by actual, recent events. This wasn’t supposed to be a rant. It was supposed to be a post linking to some really cool new tools, with a brief intro. Oh, well. I’ll do that later.) One of the things…

  • A Default Positive View of Technology

    I love gadgets. Always have. On hand, I typically have one of the newest computers from Apple, an iPad, and an iPhone, and a number of other cool tools: a Dot Grid journal, the perfect pen, the best mouse, a good flashlight, a nice bag to carry them all in. The design of all this…

  • Jay Younts from Shepherd Press Interviews Matt about Honoring God in the Internet World

    Last week, Jay Younts asked me to be a pinch hitter guest on his radio show.  We had a great chat about the Internet and it’s use for God’s mission, some notes on the theology of vocation, a bit on the importance of excellence and usability in Web design. We even get a bit into…

  • eBible’s New Siri-like Interface for Android

    eBible is one of the coolest Bible reading apps (Web and Mobile) out there. It’s search and reading interface is uncluttered and very very fast, and it includes a few very handy study-tools without being bogged down. They just launched a cool new tool for their Android App: Voice Navigation. See it in action here:…