Category: Web, Tech & Design

  • Giving and Recieving Criticism

    UIWeb had an interesting article about giving and receiving criticism. This looks to be useful in many areas besides Web design as well. Synopsis: Assumptions bad critics make There is one universal and objective measure of how good and bad anything is. That the critic is in sole possession of the skill in making these…

  • Eyetrack III – How people scan a site

    An interesting (if unscientific) investigation (I won’t call it a study…) into how people look at/scan/browse a Web page was recently conducted by several media agencies. Eyetrack III, sought to answer a few questions of great interest to Web designers: Is homepage layout effective? … What effect do blurbs on the homepage have compared to…

  • Web Standards ARE the fiscally responsible way to go.

    Well, here we have it the first (of many, I’m sure) lawsuits against inaccessible Web sites (in America anyway; there have been lawsuits in other countries before). Attorney General Eliot Spitzer today announced settlements with two major organizations that will make the web sites far more accessible to blind and visually impaired users. In addition…

  • Search Engine Optimization

    One of my hobbies is Search Engine Optimization. I am trying to keep this page in the top 5 on a google search for “Heerema”. I am competing with Heerema Group, an international engineering firm, and Heerema Company, another large American engineering company. Isn’t ironic then, that I ignore one of the major things google…

  • Renegade Redesign

    There was an interesting article in Wired News yesterday: Changing the Face of Web Surfing. Though I like the title “renegade redesign” better. Nutshell: Web designers (like me) who care about the fact that everyone should be able to see a Web site, are creating accessible versions of web sites they use that aren’t currently…