Category: Web, Tech & Design

  • Web Content as a Piece in an Art Gallery

    In Chapter 2 of Erin Kissane‘s new book, “The Elements of Content Strategy” she gives a dead-on illustration: > In effective museum and gallery installations, visitors are usually invited to spend time being with art – or artifacts or other content. Curators and exhibition designers understand that people require certain things to have concentrated experiences:…

  • Overhaul

    Gawker media has released the beta of their new redesign complete overhaul of the blog concept. It represents a significant shift. They posted about their rational on Lifehacker. The internet, television and magazines are merging; and the optimal strategy will assemble the best from each medium. Overall, I love the beta. I love its simplicity,…

  • Conference Going is About People

    Is going to a conference (SXSW, FOWD, AEA, Catalyst, Q, MAX, etc) about education, professional networking, or is it a good excuse for work to pay for a vacation?  Some of us might answer “All of the above!” And most of us would agree with that gutsy answer. I’d argue that if you are going…

  • Does a Web Team Belong under Marketing or IT?

    (Does a Web Team belong under marketing or IT? This is probably not a new thought, and I probably stole it from somewhere long ago, but I can’t remember sources. It is relevant because the question has come up recently for me and some colleagues.) Since the inception of the popular Web, the ubiquity of…

  • Logos 4 for Mac Gets a Ship Date!

    Nearly every profession has their industry-standard software package.  For designers and Web developers, it is Adobe Creative Suite. For music producers, it is ProTools. For theology geeks, it is Logos. (It gets really expensive when you are a musician, designer, and theology nerd!) Logos 4 for Mac has been in public alpha for quite awhile…