Category: Web, Tech & Design
Thoughts for Christian Bloggers
A couple weeks ago at the Gospel Coalition Conference, I was fortunate to attend the Band of Bloggers lunch and hear some high profile bloggers speak a bit about different aspects of blogging as a Christian. For some reason, I couldn’t help but think of what I might share, given such an opportunity. What follows…
- Taps into Google Translator API, Makes Universal Translation Reality
Not sure they are the first or only group doing this, but it is the first loud buzz I’ve seen come into my circles. Lifechurch.TV, renowned (in emerging, evangelical, church circles) for their innovative use of the Internet and social media technology has implemented Google’s Translator API into their chat rooms. Make it possible for…
It’s called… Internet
You can get the newspapers on “Home Computers” now!
Found this gem. A news report from 1981 describing an early “Internet”. Funny to think that this is now mainstream in a way they didn’t even imagine yet. (Via Noel.)
- Website Code Examined
A neat little write-up on the way that is coded, focusing on optimization, SEO, architecture, etc.