Taps into Google Translator API, Makes Universal Translation Reality

lifechurchinternet-campus-300x195.jpgNot sure they are the first or only group doing this, but it is the first loud buzz I’ve seen come into my circles.

Lifechurch.TV, renowned (in emerging, evangelical, church circles) for their innovative use of the Internet and social media technology has implemented Google’s Translator API into their chat rooms. Make it possible for people from all over the world to talk to each other.

Pretty amazing, IMO.

> It’s made possible by the API from Google Translator, which currently applies to 34 languages. The translation tool detects the native language from your browser or the words you’re typing and offers simultaneous translations for both the person speaking and the person reading.




One response to “ Taps into Google Translator API, Makes Universal Translation Reality”

  1. Shane Eubanks Avatar

    That's AWESOME. Hadn't thought of that, but it definitely opens a floodgate of possibilities for social networking. Very cool implementation…and observation by you. Thanks!!!

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