The Hallelujah Chorus Flash Mob

I cannot get enough of this video.

A few days ago, a photography company organized a flash mob in a mall food court, I presume as part of a publicity stunt.  They somehow organized a live organist to play in the food court that day, and arranged the mob to spontaneously (on cue) burst into The Hallelujah Chorus from Handel’s Messiah.  The result is remarkable to me.  This video will certainly achieve some level of success as a viral meme.

I feel compelled to jot down a few notes on why this is so remarkable.

First, there is a certain roughness to it.  An unpolished edge that goes with any live performance.  This, combined with the obvious joy the performers are getting from belting out a classic tune in a mall food court shines on their faces with an authenticity that makes even the best professional choir and orchestral arrangements seem sterile.  I tried downloading several because this video lodged the chorus firmly in my mind.  None of them match up to this performance.

It is the glow on their faces and in their voices that strike me.  I wonder if they realize what they are singing?

For the Lord God omnipotent reigneth.
Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

The kingdom of this world
Is become the kingdom of our Lord,
And of His Christ,
And He shall reign for ever and ever,
King of kings, and Lord of lords,

Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

What strikes me is the picture of our eternity that this video is.  It is like someone successfully transported into the New Kingdom where Christ is reigning and recorded an average day, people merrily going about their business and suddenly being inspired to burst into spontaneous, joy-filled praise to the King of Kings.  I cannot wait for this day!

A few other practical thoughts.

1. It is very difficult to make people glad their day was interrupted by a singing mob.  You have to literally be professionals.  Don’t try this at home.  (Churches, this is not an “outreach tool”. Don’t get any ideas.)

2. Pretty soon, these sort of flash mobs will be unsurprising.  That will be a sad day.

3. I’m surprised the ACLU hasn’t done anything yet.  How dare these people shove their religion down other people’s throats.  What a bunch of Jesus freaks.

4. The kingdom of this world is become the kingdom of our Lord, And of His Christ, And He shall reign for ever and ever, Hallelujah!

Thanks to Chat at 5Q for tweeting this earlier today. It has changed me.




10 responses to “The Hallelujah Chorus Flash Mob”

  1. @JoJnMancuso Avatar

    I trembled at the end when their hands went up in the air. Saw/heard the same thing you did–glimpse of eternity. This made me homesick.

  2. Matt Heerema Avatar

    homesick is a GREAT word for this :)

  3. Carl Bliss Avatar

    Ha! “don’t try this at home”

    Great admonition!

  4. GSF Avatar

    This was done by a professional choral group – "Chorus Niagara".

  5. Jim Harper Avatar
    Jim Harper

    The thing that always gets me deep in the heart – Is the unity. Here are all these people from every walk of life, all ages, and race united. As image bearers of God, humanity longs for this kind of unity. We long to long for Him together! Hallelujah!

  6. Karen Avatar

    You captured my thoughts exactly — I cannot WAIT 'til we get to heaven and hear the rejoicing and praising before His throne!

  7. Meg Ishikawa Avatar
    Meg Ishikawa

    I cried as I viewed this! I saw the Philadelphia one also. This came right after trying to explain to my daughter why the East Coast is so "anti God" today after having such a Godly beginning (we are studying American history). I am from Philadelphia and just to know that His name was lifted up……….

  8. Loni Avatar

    Yes, indeed . . . a glimpse of heaven . . .

  9. Andrew Avatar

    For many – could be for all people in the food court – this was the first and the last piece of baroque music in their life…

  10. Rachel Avatar

    I hate to admit that a few years ago I had secret thoughts of heaven being boring…you know sitting around on clouds singing all day…maybe strumming a harp now and then. This video really makes me think of a new earth where we will be so content just to praise a God who, in all reality, may enjoy getting his mall on every now and then.

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