We Bought A House!

Today we settled on a purchase agreement for a new house! We are very excited, it’s our first house. It’s about two miles from our current location.

– 4 bedrooms (one of which will be my sweet new office),
– 1 and 3/4 bathrooms
– 1055 sq ft (above ground)
– fully finished basement (giving us over 2000 sq. ft. of living space).
– Brand new windows, siding, roof, flooring, carpet, exterior doors, and all new kitchen appliances.
– Beautiful yard.

Oh, and it has a hot tub.

Pictures coming soon.






6 responses to “We Bought A House!”

  1. Nathan Smith Avatar

    Congrats! We just got settled into our new apartment in Dallas, and have already begun scouting out housing options in the area. Got any tips for driving a hard bargain?

  2. Russ Avatar

    Congratumalations! Housey house house house!


  3. Darryl Remnant Avatar

    Hi Matt,

    Your new home sounds really nice.

    Its always nice to a home with everything you want or need, and still be in the price range you set.

    Myself and my wife also purchased our first home approx 1 year ago, and I was determined to get an something with an office. If people can afford to wait, something usually comes up.



  4. Matt Avatar

    Congrats Matt.

    I know your very excited about your new place. It sounds really cool…especially the fully finished basement. Lauren and I have been tyring to find a house to purchase for a couple of months now. We just aren’t having any luck…everything sells before we have a chance to buy or look at it. Anyway, enjoy your new place!

  5. Ensure Avatar

    i think the new place is cool and bring happiness in your life

  6. scriptgator Avatar

    Congrats on your new purchase, I wish you only the best in your new home

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