Leaving AOL

As of October 2nd, if all continues according to plan, I will be leaving Weblogs, Inc. and AOL and moving on to the next chapter in my career. October 16 would have been three years, to the day, of full time employment with one of the most capable, productive, and friendly teams I have ever worked with. Many of them have become close friends and mentors and it is not without heavy heart that I leave. If I could take them with me, I would.

I will be moving on and up to what, for me, is one of the most exciting Web jobs I could imagine: Web manager for Desiring God. This opportunity combines many aspects of my passions, interests, skills, into what I consider my larger life mission. I am honored to join a team that is doing what I feel to be the most important work on the earth.

I will be remaining in Ames, IA and working remotely. This arrangement has been very successful within AOL and hopefully will prove to be equally successful at Desiring God. I will also be continuing my various roles at Stonebrook Church.

Thanks to all of my teammates at AOL for a great three year ride. I’m looking forward to closing out this next month in strong fashion. AOL is doing some exciting things. Keep an eye on them. I’d urge you to keep an eye on Desiring God as well.

Onward and upward.

*I realize that this move is in many ways a personal and theological statement capable of starting a flame war in comments. I have no interest in that discussion in such a forum. If you want to grab a dark beer in a pub some evening to discuss in person, you know where to find me. :-)*





32 responses to “Leaving AOL”

  1. Ryan Avatar

    Congrats!!!! That is amazing!

  2. @epjohnson Avatar

    So excited to get a chance to work with you. Onward and upward indeed!

  3. Adriel Avatar

    Wow!! this is such exciting news! I'm thrilled to hear it! Congratulations!

  4. David Russell Avatar

    Matt, this is awesome news. I'm really stoked to see you in full-time Kingdom work. :) Praying for a smooth transition among many great things for you in the days to come.

  5. Eric Ritchey Avatar
    Eric Ritchey

    rock on dude! can't wait to see what's in store for you!

  6. Jonathan Snook Avatar

    Your final statement is an interesting one. Any career move is a personal move and, we always hope, a move closer to our true passion. I commend you and congratulate you on doing just that. All the best in your new endeavours. It was a pleasure to have the opportunity to work with you in what little I did and look forward to getting the chance to do so again.

  7. mheerema Avatar

    Thanks, Jonathan. I have seen flame wars (religious debates) start over such announcements. Most of my audience is pretty familiar with and sympathetic to me, so this is good.

    I love working with you as well, and will look for opportunity :)

  8. Nate Avatar

    Fantastic Matt!

  9. kartooner Avatar

    *sniff* This is good (no, great) news, but you will be sorely missed by us. Truthfully, you are/were the best co-worker I've ever had (same goes for Mark) and that isn't a new revelation – it's always been so.

    As Snook says, you are moving closer to your true passion and I'm proud of your accomplishments, as both a friend and a team member.

    Congratulations and good luck.

  10. Graham Avatar

    Excellent news Matt! Congratulations!

  11. Alex Rudloff Avatar

    Killer stuff Matt. Hate to see AOL lose someone as talented as you, though.

    Hit me up sometime, would love to catch up.

  12. Dawn Myers Avatar
    Dawn Myers

    Matt, I worked with you about 2 years ago at AOL. I think it is awesome that you can combine your work and passions. It sounds like you have achieved true balance in life and you are a shining example for others on the possibilities of finding the ultimate balance in life. God Bless you!

    Dawn Myers, living/working the dream in WV as a remote campaign manager.

  13. mheerema Avatar

    Great to hear from you, Dawn! Hope all is well. This kind of balance is a pursuit. Not sure I've achieved it, but am working toward it. It's not really my life anyway :)

  14. mheerema Avatar

    Absolutely man. Good to hear from you.

  15. Shawn Wallace Avatar

    Matt, congratulations!

  16. shannon Avatar

    Does it need to be dark? What about a good IPA or EPA or even ESB?

  17. mheerema Avatar

    I'd settle for any of those.

  18. Justin Thorp Avatar

    Dude congrats on the new gig. It's been great working with ya on AOL stuff and I hope that we get to work together soon.

    Was just reading through Desiring God and it looks like an awesome Web site and ministry.

  19. Sean Sperte Avatar

    Very exciting, Matt! Congratulations. Working in the ministry is very rewarding, but not without its own set of difficulties. Here's a tip to staying in the ministry a long time: don't quit.

  20. mheerema Avatar

    Thanks, Sean :)

  21. mheerema Avatar

    That might have been fuzzy… should say my life really isn't *about* me…

  22. Michael Avatar

    Good call on that last paragraph. Also, you worked with Jonathan Snook? Wowserz.

  23. Yannick L. Avatar

    Congrats Matt. I wish you all the best and God's richest blessings at your new job with Desiring God.

  24. James Avatar

    Praise God Matt. This is a great move. I’ll keep you and your fam in my prayers.

  25. Rick Garner Avatar

    Dude, congratulations on the next chapter of your life. Kingdom building as previously noted has its own challenges but the benefits far outweigh the issues.

    It's been a pleasure getting to know you over the past year and I look forward to our staying in touch.

  26. Ellen B. Avatar
    Ellen B.

    It's always inspiring to see someone follow their dreams and passions. Congratulations, Matt – you will be very missed at AOL. It's been a real pleasure working with you! Take care! :-)

  27. Mark Priestap Avatar

    We're going to miss you sorely at Weblogs but at the same time are very happy about your new gig. Many many congrats. :)

  28. John Neff Avatar
    John Neff

    Congrats, Matt! You leave a big void at AOL that will be hard to fill. Thanks again for all the hard work you've given us, especially to me and Autoblog.

  29. W. Gene Powell Avatar

    Best wishes, Matt.

  30. Josh Cramer Avatar

    Hey, I'm excited for you to complete the move. Congratulations and may God bless your new ministry!

  31. Jose Andrade Avatar
    Jose Andrade

    Thank you for everything Matt!! we will miss you at Engadget!

  32. Sue Heerema Avatar
    Sue Heerema

    I am so proud.


    PS: Sorry if I am embarrassing you!

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