Matt is a pastor, businessman, theology student, & massive geek.
Lead Pastor, Stonebrook Church
- A thriving, multi-generational congregation that seeks to teach & follow God’s word and glorify Jesus by making disciples.
CEO, Chief Strategist, Mere Agency
- We make websites that impact the world
- Solutions for organizations of all shapes and sizes
- Matt founded Mere in 2011
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The Jonathan Edwards Diet – My Biblical Alternative to the Daniel Diet
…Just for fun… Over Christmas break I became aware of “The Daniel Diet” which purports to be “God’s prescription for your health”* Rick Warren is even endorsing this diet all over national media. The diet is “based on” Daniel 1. That is, it loosely cherry picks a few rough concepts from an approximation of a…
A Hard Reality Check This Advent Season
Devastating, unfathomable, bewildering, horrifying. That’s the best my mind can do with today’s events at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Connecticut with an hour’s reflection. This post is one way I’m trying to process it all. Politicians are posturing. Parents are weeping. The self-righteous are cursing. My friends (and myself) are asking things like: “How…
Silent Night, Peaceful Day, A Christmas Story
The following is a recounting of a true story involving my grandfather, Fred Heerema, during World War II. I remember the story originally being told in various forms by my grandmother. This telling is by my father, Jim, and was originally published in the Des Moines Register sometime prior to 2002. (We’re still hunting down…
Political Commentary part 3: How a Christian Believer Should Vote
After my last post, some folks wanted more detail, I won’t give it. I’ll give you more philosophy. The disparate opinions on “who to vote for” held by good, trustworthy, and faith-filled brothers, including several major christian thought leaders (Billy Graham, Randy Alcorn, R.C. Sproul Jr., Ray Comfort, and others) makes this point evident: There…
Political Commentary Part 2: Why Deciding Who To Vote For Is Tricky
(Updated: I am a terrible writer without a proofreader. Also, the reaction has been as expected. :() I will not vote for Barack Obama. My rationale is simple: he holds a vastly different ideology on what government should be than I do. VASTLY different. So that part is easy. I don’t need to take time…
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