(Updated: I am a terrible writer without a proofreader. Also, the reaction has been as expected. :()
I will not vote for Barack Obama. My rationale is simple: he holds a vastly different ideology on what government should be than I do. VASTLY different. So that part is easy. I don’t need to take time to line the items out. Read the conservative punch-list of complaints against him. You’ll get the idea.
The problem is, I don’t think I can vote for Romney either. For lots of reasons. Lining them out here would be irrelevant to my point, and it would cause many (who have already done so) to try and convince me that the wise thing to do is compromise my convictions. Sorry. I cannot do that “..for to go against conscience is neither right nor safe. God help me. Amen.” Martin Luther.
Apparently, from the reaction I get to this thought when I express it, I will be single handedly responsible for Barack Obama’s re-election. “A vote against Romney is a vote for Obama.” I’m sorry, but I reject that idea. My personal vote for president (as opposed to congress) actually counts for very little, unless I am someone of influence, and thus sway masses upon masses with my choice. My job, along with yours, is to vote my conscience, and to make a lot of noise about why.
If I can sway a few folks to be able to vote with a clear conscience, rather than feel trapped into casting a vote for someone they are not comfortable with, all the better.
(And yes, yes, that discomfort should come from an informed understanding of the issues.)
So, unless something changes in the next couple weeks, I’ll likely be making an infinitesimally small blip on the third party circuit, making a non-maintream candidate’s percentage rise by a completely unnoticeable amount, in part as an objection to the way the RNC is being run, as evidenced by the candidates put forward in the last two years.
I am glad that in my system I am not forced to cast my lot in with candidates who have policies I detest.
So to you, I say, get all the facts you can. Shut off the news and read the candidates’s Web sites. Check their facts. Do you homework on world history, economics, philosophy, and theology.
Christians: pray, read your Bibles, seek direction, reject the idea that you must toe a particular party line, believe in the absolute meticulous sovereignty and care of God, believe in the Holy Spirit who guides us, and go vote as your conscience leads you.
I’m curious to see the outcome. Soon, we will know whom God has chosen to be the next leader of the United States.
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