Matt is a pastor, businessman, theology student, & massive geek.
Lead Pastor, Stonebrook Church
- A thriving, multi-generational congregation that seeks to teach & follow God’s word and glorify Jesus by making disciples.
CEO, Chief Strategist, Mere Agency
- We make websites that impact the world
- Solutions for organizations of all shapes and sizes
- Matt founded Mere in 2011
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Latest posts
Lent: Observe or Ignore?
I had a good question come through on my Facebook wall today, which was also the subject of Mac’s World Live yesterday. Lent? To celebrate or not to celebrate? I’ve been wondering what the theological basis for celebrating lent would be. It is not widely advertised in our churches. Any thoughts? There is freedom here.…
Latest Project: The Desiring God App
One of my final projects at Desiring God was the information architecture and user experience design (interactions, interface layout, etc) of the Desiring God App for iOS. We’re quite pleased with the results.
Quick Review: HTML&CSS Design and Build Websites by Jon Duckett
Last week, I heard about a brand new HTML & CSS book called, appropriately “HTML & CSS“. Preview images teased a gorgeously designed book, so I bought it. I was not disappointed. GET THIS BOOK.
How To Correctly Understand The Bible
This last week I have run into two resources that have put helpful words to a thought I’ve been trying to communicate: the necessity of community, and especially studied and experienced teachers within that community, and wider connection to good resources outside your community in order to correctly understand the meaning of the Bible. There…
Why Vision is More Important than Strategy
Michael Hyatt, former CEO and current Chairman of Thomas Nelson Publishers (largest Christian publishing company in the world) shares why vision is more important than strategy. He shares his story about how as a manager, he took the least profitable division of the company and turned it completely around. A key excerpt: > For example,…
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