Matt is a pastor, businessman, theology student, & massive geek.
Lead Pastor, Stonebrook Church
- A thriving, multi-generational congregation that seeks to teach & follow God’s word and glorify Jesus by making disciples.
CEO, Chief Strategist, Mere Agency
- We make websites that impact the world
- Solutions for organizations of all shapes and sizes
- Matt founded Mere in 2011
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Who Is the Greatest in the Kingdom? A Sermon on Matthew 18:1-14
*On Sunday July 24 I preached at Stonebrook Church on Matthew 18:1-14 as part of our series on The Gospel of Matthew. Reprinting the manuscript here for archival purposes. You can listen to the audio of the sermon on the Stonebrook Web site.*
Quick Book Review: Smooth Stones by Joe Coffey
Last weekend, I enjoyed a quick read of Smooth Stones: Brining Down the Giant Questions of Apologetics, by Joe Coffey, Â Cruciform Press’s featured book for June. Smooth Stones tackles six of the biggest questions usually held by skeptics of the faith, and that young believers often struggle with: Is There a God? Does Science Disprove…
Under Construction. Phase 3: Halfway there
I got tired of looking at the black, white, and system blue, so I decided to ruin everything by putting some color and initial graphical treatment into play. So, here you have about 50% of the “visual design” in play: layout, most of the type treatment (some refinement to come), colors picked, etc. More work…
Solomon’s wealth: comparatively distasteful
> O LORD God, let your word to David my father be now fulfilled, for you have made me king over a people as numerous as the dust of the earth. Give me now wisdom and knowledge to go out and come in before this people, for who can govern this people of yours, which…
Under Construction. Phase 2: Rough layout and typography
Phase 2 of my boneheaded idea to rebuild my site live is “complete”. This phase was about layout rough-in and beginnings of typography. The horizontal lines are for reference only, they will (probably) go away. Here’s a cheat sheet I put together for the various widths, sizes, etc for my “responsive” site design. It probably…
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