Matt is a pastor, businessman, theology student, & massive geek.

Latest posts

  • The Global Facebook Obsession

    Astounding video: The World Is Obsessed With Facebook from Alex Trimpe on Vimeo. Which was inspired by this infographic:

  • Legalism, four responses

    Legalism is… invisible to the ungodly shepherd trying to rule the flock, repulsive to the ungodly rebel trying to rule themselves, crushing to the godly flock trying to follow their leader, offensive to the godly shepherd trying to protect the flock.

  • To my Grandfather, Fallen War Hero.

    This Memorial Day is a significant one for me. As we remember our fallen heroes, a name close to me has been added to the list. My Grandfather, William G. Comben, (papa Bill, as my daughters dubbed him), passed into eternity last Thursday at 9pm after a battle with Alzheimer’s disease. He was 90 years…

  • Irresistible Grace, an imperfect parable, take 2

    After my last mediation on the nature of irresistible grace, I decided to take a second shot at illustrating this magnificent doctrine of Grace. So, here goes: Eight year old David opened slowly opened his eyes, shutting them tight again from the ache of the harsh florescent light. Turning over in the creaky metal bed,…

  • Now Part of the Beacon Ad Network Creative Tech Bundle

    If you’re interested in advertising on, this site has recently become part of the Beacon Ad Network’s Creative Tech bundle. You can buy an ad on this site specifically or for greater reach you can purchase ad space on the whole bundle, which includes some stellar sites like my buddy Drew Goodmanson’s site. Thanks…

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