Matt is a pastor, businessman, theology student, & massive geek.

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  • Quick Review of “The Next Story” by Tim Challies

    Several Weeks ago I finished reading a preview copy of The Next Story by Tim Challies. I have been slack in posting a review of this excellent book. If you are interested in how a Christian worldview sees the current tsunami-like influx of media technology, this is a book to read. What is wonderful about…

  • Web Content as a Piece in an Art Gallery

    In Chapter 2 of Erin Kissane‘s new book, “The Elements of Content Strategy” she gives a dead-on illustration: > In effective museum and gallery installations, visitors are usually invited to spend time being with art – or artifacts or other content. Curators and exhibition designers understand that people require certain things to have concentrated experiences:…

  • Don Carson – A Light Introduction to Biblical Interpretation

    In 2008, Don Carson, regarded by many as one of the foremost New Testament theologians in the world (and also one of my personal favorites) gave a four part lecture, introducing principles of Biblical Interpretation. This is a “light introductory” course, but I’m pretty sure it will blow your mind if you haven’t had any…

  • Radical by David Platt – A review and some thoughts

    I just finished reading Radical by David Platt (I’m a little late to the bandwagon, I realize). It is an engaging and challenging read that I recommend to all American Christians. The book’s tagline states the purpose of the book: “Taking back your faith from the American Dream”. His overall challenge is to consider the…

  • Irresistable Grace. An imperfect parable.

    A blind and deaf man stumbles into the desert and wanders for days, eventually starts to die of hunger and thirst. He stumbles into an oasis where there is a spring of gushing water and fruit trees, laden with fruit. Miraculously, he recovers his sight and sees the clear, cool water, and ripe fruit. He…

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