How The Gospel Affects Our Work

The last several weeks at Stonebrook Church, we have been going through a series called “Work and Worship: Connecting Sunday to Monday”. I kicked off this series with an overview of the whole concept. The sermon was called “How The Gospel Affects Our Work”. You can read the manuscript and download or stream the audio at Stonebrook’s site.

This coming Sunday, I will be giving a follow-up message called “Work IS Worship”, which will seek to destroy our deeply ingrained dualistic thinking. The sacred/secular divide does not exist!

(Update, you can listen to and read the second sermon here.)

My main point is this:

Every task we undertake should be considered a spiritual act of worship (Romans 12:1). This is because we are actually working FOR Christ (Colossians 3:23-24) and God is actually working through and in our work, to accomplish His work (Philippians 2:13).

Should be a great time!

This whole series, and my messages in particular were heavily influenced by a few books, which I heartily recommend you pick up and read.

* Significant Work by Paul Rude
* Every Good Endeavor by Tim Keller
* Work Matters by Tom Nelson
* The Call by Os Guinness
* God at Work by Gene Veith






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