Web Browser

I realize that the majority of the population, and about everyone who reads this site, doesn’t give any thought to their Web browser. (For those of you who REALLY give it no thought… a Web browser is the program you are viewing this page with, RIGHT NOW.) Most of the world (I would say roughly 98%, based on Web statistics) simply uses Internet Explorer, the default Web browser that comes with Windows and doesn’t even realize that other options exist.

Well they do, and for those of you who don’t know this, you are missing out on a world of opportunity.

Mozilla (formerly Netscape) is now an excellent browser. It supports most all major Web standards (again, something no one cares about), is very solid, and very secure (something Internet Explorer is not.) But best of all, it comes with a built-in Pop-up blocker and Search bar. To achieve these same effects on IE, one must download the Google toolbar (something that I highly recommend if you use IE). My favorite feature of Mozilla however, is none of these; it is Tabbed-browsing. A feature that has revolutionized the speed at which I can surf the Web.

The Mozilla browser is by far superior to IE for these reasons. AND if you are looking for a lighter-weight version, check out Mozilla Firebird.

I recommend that you all switch now, and greatly enhance your Web surfing experience. And as an added side benefit, you get that wonderful “rebellion against the evil empire feeling” by not using a product that a major corporation practically forces you to use.






One response to “Web Browser”

  1. Josh Avatar

    Yes, I like Mozilla. I use a combination of IE and Mozilla Firebird. I’ve found that on some of the intranet and more complicated internet sites that I work with, they have employed features that only work on IE. For that reason, I use IE as my business browser. I then use Mozilla Firebird for my personal browser and greatly enjoy the tabbed browsing. I’m still waiting for that version 1.0 to come out on Firebird. 0.7 does work remarkably well though.

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