Amazon header redesign + Ajax?

It appears that Amazon is playing with a redesign currently. It also seems to only show to random visitors.

It looks like they have redesigned their tabs a bit.


But the coolest part is what they are doing with their “See all categories” tab


When you mouse over the categories tab, it pops up a window with a list of all possible categories.

It looks like this could be done with a bit of Ajax-ing… but I’m not sure that’s what they’re up to. (In fact I’m quite certain it isn’t).

It looks like the popup window is a big slect box controled with some javascript and CSS.

*sigh* If only they would get rid of the nested tables and inline styles.

They are SOOO close!






One response to “Amazon header redesign + Ajax?”

  1. Marc Avatar

    The new categories tabs look very nice. They have always done a great job helping users navigate through their incredibly large product base.

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