New Design?

Is anyone else noticing a redesigned Here’s a screenshot, click through for a full Redesign?

Note about my recommendations.

– I’m very interested in Christian Theology
– ESV is my favorite bible translation
– I have no idea why they are recommending Casting Crowns to me.
– I love Harry Potter






12 responses to “New Design?”

  1. Chris Avatar

    Yeah it’s been a couple of weeks and I still can’t see it :\

  2. Andy Brudtkuhl Avatar

    I’ve heard it was coming but haven’t seen it myself quite yet.

  3. Celly Avatar

    Hah! recommendations are screwy… I have bought gifts for people, cross shipped them, and they still recommend related items. For instance, I bought a Diaper Genie 5 years ago for someone who was registered on Amazon — It is still recommending that I buy refills.

    Regardless, Amazon really needs to change — It’s too bloated right now for it’s current design. Whereas, for instance, should of _never_ redesigned — Well at least not to the version they selected. They made it harder to use…

    E-Commerce redesigns can’t be simple tho. … Unless you start with two dots …

  4. Tom Doyle Avatar

    Looks nice – but i get a feeling of “clutterness”. I guess I’ll have to wait until it’s live to give a true opinion! :)

  5. Gabe Boning Avatar

    It looks better than the current design, but for me there is too much going on.

    They over designed, sticking gradients and borders and rounded corners just about everywhere they could.

    ^^Not how you should design XD

  6. Donovan Avatar

    Chillz Buddy!

  7. Lee Avatar

    I hope they are going to follow the face lift theme on and do the UK amazon… Its dreadful! Well due an overhaul..

    I have just checked the .com and can’t see this new design??

  8. Adam Avatar

    I can’t see it yet —- Firefox? What browser?

  9. Akshay Hunka Avatar

    Is this published or still on the way to be online !!

  10. freshlogics Avatar

    I think! now it’s online.

  11. Mike Avatar

    I can see the design on the .com but not on the – maybe us from the UK will be seeing a new design in the New Year…

  12. e358da3f3b5d…


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