Category: Announcements

  • So I Rebooted Early…

    Alright so I couldn’t wait. Sue me. Version 2. Now with 30% more Web 2.0! “IT HAS TAGS! ™” I think this gives me a nice base to start evolving the site from, and I fully expect to constanly be tweaking it. It’s big an loose and flexible now. I may decide to lock…

  • CSS Reboot 2006

    I signed up for the CSS Reboot a while back… was actually the 72nd person to sign up (there are currently 1335 signed up). I was optimistic. I wasn’t sure I’d actually make it. I wasn’t sure that if I did make it, that it would actually be a better design. Well I’ve made it.…

  • Announcing Direct Steps Consulting

    In the flurry of activity that has been the begining of this year, I have neglected to mention my new Web design business: Direct Steps Consulting. I have been doing freelance Web design from the very beginning, about seven years ago, really getting serious about it when I graduated college, and just formalizing the business…

  • Design and Format Change

    Promises, Promises. I am working on a new design for this site (so it will finally be an original design). I am also contemplating a slight format change. Due to my desire to get more serious about my content and have more frequent high quality posts on this site, I am going to include two…

  • Our Christmas Announcement

    On the off chance that you read this site, but not my personal site… Nancy is pregnant with our first child :) We’re due around July 20th (Lord willing) We are excited beyond belief. Nancy is doing amazingly well We’d appreciate your prayers. (insert jokes about #mattheerema:first-child here…)