Category: Productivity, Business & Management
The Myths of the Overworked Creative
Watch this excellent presentation on productivity myths and truths by Tony Schwartz, a productivity and performance consultant, over at the 99percent blog (note, this is a popular creativity site, nothing to do with occupy wall street, sort of its antithesis…)
6 Myths About Results Only Work Environments
A ROWE (results only work environment) is a fairly progressive, and extremely effective business/organization culture and practice. Our current control-based management mindsets are based on a bygone era. A throwback to the factories in the industrial revolution.
Cal Newport: Getting Creative Things Done
Knowledge workers know the problem well: how to fit large blocks of creative thinking into a busy schedule? With a focus on quality and quantity output, timely response to email, etc, finding extended focused time is nearly impossible. Enter Getting Creative Things Done: How To Fit Hard Thinking Into a Busy Schedule: The Problem >…
A Good Moleskine Alternative
Even with an iPad, I still use a physical journal to capture most things. I haven’t yet found an app (or perhaps I’m not practiced enough with the tool) to quickly capture thought on paper, including sketches, doodles, and other free-form type text that helps me put my brain on paper. My favorite journal, like…
Jason Fried: Why Work Doesn’t Happen at Work
Jason Fried’s TED talk on why the office is often the least productive work place of all. Most people, when asked when or where their most productive work times and spaces are, mention a host of places EXCEPT NORMAL BUSINESS HOURS AT THE OFFICE. The simple yet brilliant question that follows then is, why do…