Tag: gospel

  • A Sermon on Sin

    This sermon was originally delivered to The Rock in January 2010. You can listen to the audio of the sermon on The Rock’s Web site.

  • Irresistible Grace, an imperfect parable, take 2

    After my last mediation on the nature of irresistible grace, I decided to take a second shot at illustrating this magnificent doctrine of Grace. So, here goes: Eight year old David opened slowly opened his eyes, shutting them tight again from the ache of the harsh florescent light. Turning over in the creaky metal bed,…

  • Irresistable Grace. An imperfect parable.

    A blind and deaf man stumbles into the desert and wanders for days, eventually starts to die of hunger and thirst. He stumbles into an oasis where there is a spring of gushing water and fruit trees, laden with fruit. Miraculously, he recovers his sight and sees the clear, cool water, and ripe fruit. He…

  • Gospel Lessons from Cinderella

    Today when watching Cinderella for approximately the 347th time, my 3.5 year old daughter asked me about the wicked stepsisters: “Daddy, why do they do bad things?” What an excellent question! I paused for a moment, gathering my thoughts on how to communicate to a three year old the psychological factors of bad parenting, possible…

  • The Central Message of the Scriptures

    I am currently taking a course on the unity of scripture and the biblical world view offered by BILD called “Covenants”. It is an exciting class in which we strive to discover how the two testaments of the Bible fit together. The third assignment for the class was to take a first crack at writing…