The Rise of Developeronomics

According to Venkatesh Rao in Forbes Magazine: Software Developers are the new precious metals.

Venkatesh has a pretty bleak (realistic?) outlook on the global economy, and he is suggesting that everyone who is able should invest in a quality software developer.

> Investing in good developers is such a good bet at the moment, that if you have money and you happen to find a talented developer who seems to like you and wants to work with you, you should give him/her your money to build something, anything, even if you have no really good product ideas (those are cheap; I’ll sell you a dozen for a dollar). If you don’t have money, you should offer up whatever other kind of surplus you do have. The NPV on a strong and positive relationship with a talented developer today is ridiculously high. If you gain the trust of a talented developer to the point that they are likely to drop any active gig in the future in favor of joining one of your projects, the value is through the roof. The world is your oyster, which you with your developer will open.

Every company needs software. Many companies are turning into software companies. The software industry (including the Web development industry) totally bucked the economic downturn and continued to boom as an industry. It’s a good career to be in at the moment, if you’re good. Quality iOS developers are particularly hot at the moment.

If you are a business owner, start shifting your spending toward software development. Get the best developers (including designers and strategists) on board, and do what it takes to keep them if you want to weather the coming economic storm. (Alongside your gold, guns, and bullets.)

And yes, of course I, a developer, would post this. I wonder if Venkatesh is a developer as well. It’s an interesting take on the current situation, and makes sense to me (though I may be biased). I’m interested in your thoughts.





One response to “The Rise of Developeronomics”

  1. […] is an important corollary to the advice of the Developernomics” post. The goldmine is not in an individual software developer, though that will get you farther than […]

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